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I am a 57-year old man who was diagnosed with mild emphysema approximately 5 years ago. I am an ex-smoker of 15 years, but suffered from the effects of smoking.


Here is my description of what happened in January: At the beginning of January, my daughter and granddaughter came back from Denver, Colorado. Both were sick and I visited them since they had been gone for approximately two weeks. I immediately felt like I had caught something and it went straight to my lungs/chest. I did my usual taking of mega-dosages of vitamin C, juices and echinacea. I felt like I was starting to get better by the end of the week, but then I took a turn for the worse.


I went to the ER and they said I had pneumonia without taking a chest x-ray. I had seen Anna before and started seeing her immediately. When I first started seeing her, I was coughing my brains out to the point that my chest hurt just breathing. Within about 2 weeks, Anna's treatments helped calm my cough along with taking her herbal prescription. I continued treatment for approximately two months before I was well enough to stop treatments.


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23151 Verdugo Dr., Ste. 114

Laguna Hills, CA 92653


Text 619-341-4341

Office landline 949-305-1703

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