Fertility - Pregnancy - Birth
I would like to thank you Anna for your support, advice, and acupuncture expertise throughout my pregnancy.
I came to Anna in January of 2011 to begin acupuncture treatments to support in fertility in conceiving my second child. I have one healthy toddler boy that I had conceived while getting acupuncture treatments and my husband and I were now focused on growing our family again. I had been pregnant in the summer of 2010, but it had ended preterm in a miscarriage.
So in January 2011 I began acupuncture sessions with Anna in hopes of becoming pregnant with my second child - and by the end of the month I was pregnant! My husband and I were thrilled to be expanding our family again – but also cautious through that first trimester, based on the experience we had had the summer prior. I continued to see Anna once a week for acupuncture treatments to ensure a strong and viable pregnancy. By the end of 20 weeks, my pregnancy was going very well and we learned we would be having a baby girl!!!
I also visited Anna right before going into labor for help in inducing labor – I was three days past my due date when I visited her for a treatment and went into labor the following day and had my baby girl that evening – Edie, 9 lbs 5 ounces and 22 inches long.
Anna is incredible at what she does, and also very informative, knowledgeable and supportive throughout my pregnancy. Thank you!!!