Regulate Menses & Natural Fertility
Aliso Viejo, CA​
5 Stars
There's not enough words I can say about the PHENOMENAL healing that I have received from Anna at Elements in Harmony these last 8 years. I was first referred to her 8 years ago by my cousin Debbie. I was having issues with having no periods and I just recently got married and wanted to try to have a baby. At the time I was only having 2 periods a year which meant that it would be hard for me to get pregnant seeing as how I wasn't ovulating much with only having 2 periods a year.
My first treatment with Anna she recommended that after the treatment I should start to write down the dates that I have my period every month. At first I was a little doubtful because I didn't think that acupuncture would work but I kid you not the next day, I meant NEXT DAY after my treatment I had my period! I was completely blown away and crying tears of joy. I quickly called Anna and thanked her numerous times for the joy she brought to my life.
From then on every month I had a normal period cycle, which I never had until seeing Anna.
Within 3 months I was pregnant and couldn't believe it!
Fast forward to 2 weeks before my delivery date the dr said my daughter was breeched and that I would probably have to have a c-section. I really didn't want that because I wanted to deliver naturally so I went to Anna and she put me in a reclining chair and put needles in every single one of my toes and within 15 minutes I literally felt my daughter turn.
I went back to the doctor and he was in shock that she was now head down in ready position. I delivered a healthy little girl weighing 7 lbs., 7oz. I'm forever grateful to Anna and because of her and her AMAZING work I truly don't believe I would have ever gotten pregnant. I still continue to see her for day to day life stuff including low back pain due to my minor scoliosis and just the everyday stressors of life and still she continues to amaze me by helping me with my continued happiness and healing.
Also I think Anna's work with acupuncture would be a GREAT viable alternative to medical mainstream medicine for sure. Plus it wouldn't cause any side affects either.
Thank you Anna for always listening and for always being there for me mentally and physically, it truly means a lot.
You have a gift and I'm forever grateful to receive the healing that I AlWAYS get from your AMAZING work.