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Pregnancy Care
Prepare for C-section

Every woman's journey in becoming a mother is a individual and personal experience - my was challenging. But through the help of Anna my pregnancy became tolerable and then finally enjoyable. Anna helped me with the undisclosed or non-discussed parts of pregnancy that women don't talk about - and endure with shame or angst. Anna understood the discomforts associated with pregnancy - the lack of sleep, backaches, pelvic pain, nausea, balance issues, exhaustion and so much more. I remember that with one treatment she had my hemorrhoids under control - my OB was impressed!


And in another treatment she stopped my leg cramps - my husband was impressed! Especially because I would wake him up in the middle of the night in pain trying to get out of bed.


Through the later part of my pregnancy she prepared my body and mind for preparation of a c-section - while not the most widely accepted form of giving birth this was the safest for the baby and me.


My c-section experience was amazing - I was discharged a day early I was on not pain medication from 1 day after surgery My recovery was quick and uncomplicated My scar healed like a scratch - Amazing!


I attribute all of this to the work Anna did on preparing me. Her ability to offer my body comfort and healing through acupuncture allowed me to enjoy the very early moments of my daughter life - one I would not have if I was on pain medications or worse... I got to bond with my daughter and I am grateful for the preparedness that Anna provided to me.

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